ARACELI: checa la página encontrarás libros diversos sobre cromatografías específicas según tus necesidades
- BURGET,C.A.; GREEN,L.E. and BONELLI, E.J. Chromatographic Methods in Gas Analysis. Hewlett Packard. USA. 1979
- CRIPPEN, Raymond C. Identification of Organic Compounds with Aid of Gas Chromatography. Mc Graw-Hill. USA. 1973.
- DABRIO,M.V. Cromatografía de Gases. Vol. I. Serie Química. Colección Exedra. Editorial Alhambra.España.1971.
- DABRIO, M.V. Cromatografía de Gases. Vol. II. Series Química. Colección Exedra. Editorial Alhambra. España. 1973.
- Elementary of Gas Chromatography. Gow-Mac Instruments. 1978.
- EWING, Galen. Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis. 3rd Edition. Mc Graw-Hill. USA. 1969
- FREEMAN,R.R. High Resolution Gas Chromatography. Hewlett Packard. USA. 1979.
- GASCO, Luis. Teoría y Práctica de la Cromatografía en Fase Gaseosa. Ediciones J.E.N. España. 1969.
- GIDDINGS, J.C. Dynamics of Chromatography. Part I. Marcel Dekker. USA. 1965
- GIDDINGS, J.C. Unified Separation Science. Wiley-Interscience. USA. 1991
- GOUW,T.H. Guide to Modern Methods of Instrumental Analysis. Wiley Interscience. USA. 1972
- GROB, Robert L. Modern Practice of Gas Chromatography. 2nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons. USA. 1985
- HILL, Herbert H. and MCMINN, Dennis G. Detectors for Capillary Chromatography. Vol. 121 in Chemical Analysis Series Wiley-Interscience. USA. 1992.
- JENNINGS, Walter. Analytical Gas Chromatography. Academic Press. USA. 1987.
- JONSSON, Jan Ake. Chromatograhic Theory and Basic Principles. Vol. 38. Chromatographic Series. Marcel Dekker. USA. 1987.
- KATZ, Elena. Quantitative Analysis using Chromatographic Techniques. Separation Science Series. John Wiley & Sons. USA. 1987
- KNOX, John. Cromatografía de Gases. Serie Química. Manuales Uteha. México. 1965
- LITTLEWOOD, A. D. Gas Chromatography. 2nd Edition. Academic Press. USA.1970
- MA, T.S. and LADAS, A.S. Organic Functional Group Analysis by Gas Chromatography. Academic Press. USA.1976
- McNAIR, Harold M. and BONELLI, Ernest J. Basic Gas Chromatography. 5th Edition. Varian Aerograph. USA. 1969
- MILLER, James M. Chromatographic: Concepts and Contrasts. Wiley - Interscience. USA. 1988.
- NOVAK, Josef Quantitative Analysis by Gas Chromatography. Vol.5 Chromatographic Science Series. Marcel Dekker. USA. 1975
- PERRY, John A. Introduction to Analytical Gas Chromatography: History, Principles and Practice. Vol. 14. Chromatographic Science Series. Marcel Dekker.1981
- PETERS, D.G. ; HAYES, J.M. and HIEFTJE, G. M. A Brief Introduction to Modern Chemical Analysis. Sanders. USA. 1976
- PICKERING,W.F. Química Analitica Moderna. Editorial Reverté. España. 1976
- ROWLAND, Fred W. La Práctica de la Cromatografía de Gases. Segunda Edición. Hewlett Packard. USA. 1977.
- SAID, Ab del Salam. Theory and Mathematics of Chromatography. Huthig Verlag. Germany.1981.
- SCHOMBURG, Gerhard. Gas Chromatography: A Practical Course. VCH. Germany. 1990.
- SCOTT, Raymond P.W. Techniques and Practice of Chromatography. Vol. 70. Chromatographic Science Series. Marcel Dekker. USA. 1995.
- SERCIK, Jiri. Detector in Gas Chromatography. Vol. 4. Journal of Chromatography Library. Elsevier. The Netherlands. 1975.
- SERGUEIEV, G. et al. Métodos Experimentales de la Cinética Química. Editorial MIR. Moscù. 1975.
- SKOOG,Douglas y LEARY,James. Análisis Instrumental. 4ª Edición. McGraw-Hill. España.1994
- STORCH DE GRACIA,J.M. Fundamentos de la Cromatografía de Gases. 2ª Edición. Serie Química. Colección Exedra. Editorial Alhambra. España. 1975.
- SWAN, D.F.K. Three Selective Detectors. Pye Unican. 1975
- TRANCHANT,J. Manual Práctico de Cromatografía en Fase Gaseosa. Toray-Mason. España. 1972.
- WILLARD, H. H.; MERRITT, L. L. and DEAN, J. A. Instrumental Methods of Analysis. 5th Edition. D. Van Nostrand. USA. 1974.
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